Monday, December 17, 2001

Movie Review: Pi


This is a good, but puzzling movie. Basically this math genius locks himself in his apartment with a whole whack of computer equipment and tries to solve the chaos around him. He keeps telling us his premises so that we believe that he is still rational. They are the premises of chaos theory:

(1) that mathematics is the language of the universe,
(2) nature can be expressed in numbers, and
(3) there are patterns everywhere in nature.

Visually, the film is a study in chaos theory, with almost still shots of nature and its recurring patterns, then the dynamics of coffee and cream. Moreover, there is a certain recurrence and self-similar quality to the whole film and its downward spiral. The film moves from genius to madness. The old sage character in the film, the stars old math professor reminds the star that there is a fine line to drawn between mathematics and numerology. It is never clear just where that line is drawn. Two forces are out to pull the genius from the true path. Some religious fundamentalists are looking for numbers and patterns in sacred texts, while a wall street firm is trying to get a hold of any discoveries in order to turn a serious profit.

Pi is a good movie, but will leave you puzzled about just what the hell is going on, and leave you asking "what is this all about?" Good question, and maybe that's the point. It is a good movie, and says a lot visually, perhaps too much.

On the official Chris' Choice scale Pi, gets three stars.


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