Monday, December 17, 2001

Movie Review: American Psycho

American Psycho

Yikes! A truly chilling movie about the narcissists around us! But it is also sickeningly funny. There is a perverse sense of depraved irony that floats, like everything in this movie, on the surface. The movie is all about the surface, of skin, business cards, credit cards etc.

The yuppies that populate this movie are so obsessed with themselves and their status that they are all at some level nuts. The real nutcase - Bateman goes around killing people in an orgy (literally in some cases) of self indulgence and vain glory. Whenever he is forced to recognize someone as a person, as in some way like him he feels the need to kill that other person. There is a twisted way that this is related to business. At a night club he says "murders and executions" instead of mergers and acquisitions.

Gloriously twisted, this film does well on all accounts.

On the official Chris' Choice scale American Psycho gets four stars.


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