Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Scotch: Glendronach: 15 yr Sherry

There are some thing out there that just don't seem to fit into moulds. I don't know, maybe some things refuse to follow the laws of nature, but it just seems as though ALL Scotch is good. According to our scale, some scotch, statistically speaking, really should be bad! I just have not found any! I know that it is out there, and I guess that I'll just have to keep buying more scotch so that I can satisfy the natural distribution upon which the official Chris' Choice scale is based. I guess you could call this a statistical duty!

So, on to the task at hand! What a pleasant task it is! The Glendronach is not just another great Scotch! The extra years make this one very smooth. Really, the first thing you notice about this one is the colour. It is a dark red gold - very distinct. The aromas are fruity, citrus, maybe even of oranges. The taste is smoky, nutty, very much like Bristol Cream sherry. There is a light peat (as the box said there would). Sherry, however is present all over this malt. Too much sherry could be its only fault! But I like sherry! Once you move past the sherry there are hidden tastes of spices, coffee and toffee! And it is so smooth! What a special scotch. This one is a must have! It will occupy a pride of place among my other Scotches!!


Name:The Glendronach 100% Matured in Sherry Casks
Region: Highland (Aberdeen)
Aged: 15 Years
Alcohol: 40%


On the official Chris' Choice rating scale, The Glendronach 15 Year Old rates a:


Scotch: Chivas Regal 12 yr Blend

Well, here is another blend. Not so bad really. First some things must be said:
  1. I stand by my previous statements about blends and single malts
  2. I will not rate blends. There simply are not enough blends out there to make the whole project meaningful.
  3. Also, all blends are pretty good. Presumably they were blended this way or that way for a reason.
  4. If the blend really stinks I'll let you know. It's possible, but chances are it would never make it into my glass.

On to the Chivas. This is a well known blend that has been around for quite some time.

Aromas of heather butter and a bit of wood. Being from Strathisla the flavour of peat and smoke are present. Flavours of coffee can also be found. The scotch is light and unassuming. Like all decent blends its smooth and well balanced.

If you prefer your Single Malt Scotches to be like Laphroaig then this one should be in your decanter. Otherwise, it's a nice smooth whisky that goes down well - a good blend. Again, the peat and smoke flavours distinguish it from other blends.


Name:Chivas Regal
Region: Speyside (Keith Strathisla)
Aged: 12 Years
Alcohol: 40%