Monday, February 07, 2005

Contemplating the East Coast

Now that I've been out here on the East Coast of Canada for some time - this is my second time in Halifax, I feel as though it is time to shed some light on a misconception.

Atlantic Salmon:
Well, it pales in comparison to some of the larger pacific varieties. I've been trying to experience as much Atlantic Salmon dishes as I possible can. Simply, I want to be able to judge as openly and fairly as I can the local 'delicacy'. Of course the manner in which a dish is prepared willhave a tremendous effect on the quality and the taste of any dish. As it turns out the methods of preparation on the east and west coast do not vary as much as one might have expected. I've also sampled extensively, so I feel confident in my belief that I am not judging the lesser fish on a poor preparation.

The fact is simply this, Atlantic Salmon has a lighter colour and a weaker taste. Compared to that rich flavour that one expects from, say, a Coho or Sockeye Atlantic Salmon is bland.

Coming Soon: Haddock & Cod vs Halibut

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