Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Some Quick Reviews

  • The Bourne Identity: What can I say, I agree entirely with Roger Ebert on this one. However I must convert scales here, so I give it: ****
  • Harry Potter: The books better be good, because the movie must be hanging on to the coat tails of something. The story is lame and canned, the characters are entirely one dimensional and the CGI hits you over the head. Frankly, if this is supposed to the new kids story replacing things like C.S. Lewis' Narnia adventures then kids these days are getting gipped. Harry Potter, you suck. *
  • No Man's Land: This is a Yugoslavian war movie. It is in Serbo-Croatian with English subtitles. It is probably one of the most original war movies out there. It includes, UN bashing, war bashing, nationalism bashing, media bashing etc, etc. It is not too subtle, but done lightheartedly. It is not overly bitter so we get the message without being insulted. In the end though it is unfulfilling as there is a certain futility to the whole thing. Definately worth seeing and thinking about. ****
  • The Brotherhood of the Wolf: This is a French action/martial arts movie. It lasts too long, lacks any point, is insulting to native Canadians, and the plot is highly implausible. I would also like to add, that there is lots of violence (gratuitous and unbelievable) and a few token brothel scenes with lots of nudity (gratuitous and believable). Movies like this don't come around every day, if you can check it out. This is one you don't need to think about. I won't even bother with a rating.
  • Changing Lanes: BOOOO!!! What is this? who are these people? and can I have two hours of my life back? *

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