Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Scotch: Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish

So, this is what I think of Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish:

When you get a hold of the aromas of this scotch you are sent back to those carefree meadows of your childhood, where the sun is shining, the flowers are out and the woods are not to far away. The sweet grassy aromas are balanced nicely by floral and wood-nut scents. A delightful nose leads to a creamy mellow, but strong mouth. The flavours are strong and nutty with a bit of oil. The aftertaste lingers for some time. This is a 'classy' drink. The dark colour and lingering flavour will no doubt help you fool someone into thinking you have taste. So long as you follow my advice and drink this whisky you won't need taste, you'll have me to guide you!!


Name:Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish
Pronounced: Glen m-orange-ee (sounds like the fruit orange)
Region: Northern Highland
Age: Not indicated on the bottle or tube, but is part of the line of 12 year old Glenmorangie products
Alcohol: 43%



On the official Chris' Choice rating scale, Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish rates a:


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