Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Scotch: Blends

Misconceptions: Blends vs Single Malts:

Don't even start. I know someone is going to start up on how wonderful single malt Scotch is and that only it deserves to be appreciated by true connoisseur. Well, too bad, if that is your attitude you can stop reading now.

Unfortunately, blended Scotch has been getting little attention over the last couple of years. Single Malts are all the rage, such that it is hard to walk into a restaurant or bar that doesn't mention its wide selection of Single Malt Whisky (often Glenlivet, Glenfidich, and some other (likely Highland Park). Scotch, however, is best suited to be consumed among gentleman, and a gentleman, as far as I can tell,does not buy a round in a bar or sip single malts before dinner in a dining room. This is far too expensive a venture for a gentleman, and much too distracting.

The best place for a Scotch is in a gentleman's sanctuary, his office, study or den - often in a comfortable chair with his favourite music playing softly in the background. A gentleman's Scotch ought to be within arms reach. This precludes getting his Scotch from his well stocked bar. No, the man's Scotch ought to be close and in a crystal decanter. Since one just does not keep Single Malts in a decanter, we ought to pay the blend some much deserved attention.

The Blend

Blended Whisky has been the norm until the mid eighties I am told. Instead of being produced solely form malted barley, blends contain a variety of malts but most importantly they contain less expensive grain whisky. Blenders scour the countryside tasting the various malts combining them with the grain whisky to produce a constant, smooth product. They often attain their goal. Of course, not all blends are created equal.

All this being said, one can understand why blended Whisky is the appropriate drink of a gentleman. It is consistent, smooth, refreshing and consequently it is much more drinkable than a single malt. One does not get the same variety, but then a blend can be counted on, just like a good retriever can depended on to bring back a grouse, a blend can be depended upon to be the same time and time again.

Sure, go to the single malt if you want to sit around and talk flovours and scents all night. Go to the blend if you want to sit back and enjoy the evening with a close and trustworthy friend.

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